

1Animals are our good friends.We should learn to protect        in our daily lives.(  )

Aher Bthem Chim Dit

2I helped my parents clean the house every day        the last summer holiday.(  )

Aafter Bat Cduring Don

3.—Excuse me.How       I get to Ditan Park

Go along this roadand you can't miss it.(  )

Acan Bmust Cmay Dneed

4Jack enjoys playing basketballwhich makes him        than before.(  )

Aactive Bmore active 

Cmost active Dthe most active

5.—        do you go to the English corner to practise spoken English

I go to the English corner three times a week.(  )

AHow much BHow long CHow often DHow soon

6Swimming is good for health        it is dangerous to swim alone in the river.(  )

Aor Band Cbut Dso

7.—Johnwhat's your older sister doing

She        Beijing Opera in the club.(  )

Alearns Blearned 

Cis learning Dwas learning

8Many tourists in Hainan        the launch of Tianzhou7 on January 172024.(  )

Awatch Bwatched 

Care watching Dwill watch

9If you join us for the hiking trip next weekendyou        beautiful views and get unforgettable memories.(  )

Aenjoy Benjoyed 

Chave enjoyed Dwill enjoy

10Our teacher        math in this school since 2021.(  )

Ateaches Btaught 

Chas taught Dwill teach

11Too much water        every day in our lives.We should take action to save water.(  )

Awastes Bwasted 

Cis wasted Dwas wasted

12.—Lucycould you tell me        with your family during the winter holiday this year

Sure.We travelled to the Great Wall.(  )

Awhere you will travel 

Bwhere you travelled 

Cwhere will you travel 

Dwhere did you travel



The Way Back to the Top

The ball landed on Demon's feet when the time was nearly up.But Demon missed.They lost the game.

"I shouldn't have passed the ball to you.I should have taken the shot because I would have scored.Next time try not to1  everyone!"Chris shouted to Demon.Demon walked out of the field.

"Come onguyswe were all in the fieldnot Demon alone"his teammateJacktried to explain for him.

In the changing room after the gamenot a single world was heardly while the other team played music and cheered.Demon felt there was 100 tons of weight on his shoulder for letting everyone feel2  including himself.Missing the tying(平局的)goal made Demon sadand the disappointment on his teammates' faces hurt him more than any failure.

When Demon got homehis dad had been waiting for him long.His dad said to him"Demoneven the greatest player like Pele missed3  at first.One failure doesn't mean anything.You should learn from itturn setbacks into motivation and try to do better next time.

4  by these wordsDemon got up and hugged his dad.After thatDemon spent mornings and late evenings on the field every daypracticing his shots,(5  his speed and his skills.

The next game arrived.As the game went oneach of the two teams got two scores.In a moment of perfect timingDemon kicked the ball into the back of the net(网).

The crowd stood up and cheeredand Demon's teammates surrounded him carrying him to the sidelines to celebrate with the crowd.Demon's performance6  the attention of the scouts(球探).After the gamesomeone with a suit came up to him.

"HelloDemon.I was impressed by your7  today.We'd like to invite you for training with FC Barcelona.Are you interested in it"

"Dadwe won the championship and I scored the winning goal!After the gamea scout invited me to train with FC Barcelona!"Demon said8  to his dad on the phone.













































Afterschool Activities



First aid

People need to know what to do in common medical emergencies!A local medical team is invited to teach us basic firstaid skills for two hours every Thursday in our activity center.


Money management

Starting to manage your money can help you understand the value of money.You will learn how to develop good spending habits and manage your money wisely every Wednesday in the English Corner.


Eat well

Are you interested in making healthy mealsGet healthier by developing your cooking skills every Friday evening in our school dining hall.Maybe you can get the secret to losing weight.


Teaching others

Are you a good teacherSpend two hours on Saturday afternoon at the local primary school helping children practice and improve their writing.You can act like your teachers.




I want to be a doctor when I grow upso I want to gain some basic knowledge about medicine.



I'm interested in making healthy meals and I'd like to develop my cooking skills.



I enjoy helping children practice and improve their writing and want to act like my teachers.






15"Momplease"I begged."Pleaseby myself"I had never made cookies by myself beforebut I'm nine years old nowand I'm old enough to do many things.My parents looked at each other."OK"my mom said."But Alanaplease be careful."

I ran into the kitchen to work.I broke eggs and put a cold piece of butter into the bowl.Then I turned on the mixer."WHOA!"I cried.What a mess!Butter was thrown onto my face and even the floor.

I started againbut this time I put a little butter into the bowl.Then I put round batters(面糊)onto the cookie sheet(胚)and placed it in the oven.Within a minutea fantastic smell filled the kitchen.I thought the cookies were successful and my parents would praise me!

I opened the oven and looked.And my stomach turned over.The round batters had melted in the oven.Just thenmy brother Caleb returned home and entered the kitchen.

"What is it in the world"he laughed."Cookie soup"I tried not to cry and said"Just leave me alone.""How's it going thereIt sure smells good!"my dad called me from the living room."Fine.The cookies are going to be fine!"I said.Then I put the cookie sheet down and picked up the directions.What had gone wrong

Then I saw it.Right after Add salt and before Mix wellit said Add too cups of flour(面粉).I forgot to add flour.I took the bowl and added flour to it.After mixingI put the bowl back in the oven.I counted the minutes until the cookies were done.

Once they had cooledI brought a plate of cookies into the living roomwhere my parents and Caleb were waiting.

"OhAlana"my mom saidsmiling as she ate the cookie."You did it.All by yourself.""Great jobAlana"my dad saidfinishing his second cookie."DeliciousAlana"my brother said.

Since thenI have learned that as long as you make up your mind and want to have a tryyou will achieve success.Neither ages nor any difficulties can stop you.

1What did the writer ask her mom to do  

A.To buy some new cookies for her.

B.To allow her to make cookies alone.

C.To let her go to buy cookies by herself.

D.To make some cookies together with her.

2The writer felt   when the kitchen was filled with a fantastic smell.





3Alana tries her best to tell us the importance of   .

A.following the rules

B.working with others

C.being honest

D.not giving up easily

16   Parents are the most important people in our lives.Howevermany of us don't get along well with our parents.It's very common that we argue a lot with our parents.Parents always want the best for usbut sometimes they don't know how to express themselves.If you want to improve your relationship with your parentshere are some ways to help you.

Be respectful.Even if you don't agree with their parenting stylesvalues or rulesbe polite to your parents.In this wayyou can avoid unnecessary arguments with your parents.Try using polite language such as "Sorry"or"Would you mind if.."and speaking modestly(谦虚地)such as"It may be..."And let them finish speaking before you take your turn.

Don't let things get worse.If you have an argument with your parentsdo everything you can to repair the relationship sooner rather than later.This will show that you care about the relationship.It will also mean you will be fighting for less time in total.

Be positive.Stay positive and warm.Smile at your parents.Let them know that you are happy to see them and that you care about their happiness with your body language.There is no doubt that your parents my be influenced by your positive feelings.This will help them be in a good mood(心情)that will develop a positive relationship change.

Be open and honest.Talk to your parents about things that make you feel uncomfortable.This will be helpful to build trust with your parentswhich will improve your relationship with them.Have regular(有规律的)communication so your parents can get a better understanding of your lifewhat makes you upsetand what makes you happy.If you listen to your parentsthey will be more likely to listen to youopening the door for you to try discussing improving the relationship.

If you follow the advice aboveI think that you can have a good relationship with your parents.I think that the parents actually want to improve their relationship with their children.They also hope that their children can understand their love.


1What should you do if you have an argument with your parents  

A.Avoid talking to your parents for a few days.

B.Wait for your parents to apologize to you first.

C.Try to repair the relationship as soon as possible.

D.Keep arguing with them until you win the argument.

2What can we learn from the passage  

A.Children nowadays understand their parents less and less.

B.The right way will make solutions to problems more effective.

C.Parents don't care if they get their children's understanding.

D.Relationships with parents who often argue can't be improved.

3What is the passage mainly about  

A.Some trouble between the students and teachers.

B.Some studying ways that are good for the students.

C.Some problems between the students and their parents.

D.Some ways to improve the relationship with parents.

17   We feel a sense of purpose inside and outside of workwhen we are busy with a task or an activity that has real meaning for us.When we experience pleasurewe feel a rush of positive feelings or a deeper sense of satisfaction and happiness.But one without the other is hardly enough to bring about success in the long term.

Purpose without pleasure is being busy with an activity you are tasked with but don't really enjoy doing.

In other wordsit is out of a sense of responsibility(责任).And there isn't anything wrong with that in the short term.Trying to live this way of life without feeling some pleasure or achievement along the way can lead to final tiredness.

What is clear pleasure without purpose party timeEnjoying an event without thinking about its meaningA life focused only on pleasure without purpose would almost certainly leave you feeling pointless and finally dissatisfied with it all.

From time to timeit's worth reviewing where you are with your work in the matter of your purposepleasure balance.There may be times during your career when you have purpose without pleasureand when you spend much more time working on something you consider important but just don't enjoy.If that is the caseit is important to have a rest and make sure you can connect the key point of work with certain activities that just make you feel happy.

I you feel bored with workdiscuss with your group members how you might have more fun.You might build enjoyable short activities into the working day.Or think again about whether there is a deeper level of satisfaction or pride you get from your workeven when something is not as naturally enjoyable as you do.

There's a story about the cleaner at NASA(美国国家航空航天局)who when asked what he was doing said "I'm helping put a man on the moon"!Of coursehe may not have been getting any pleasure from cleaning the floor again and againand relating it to the mission(太空飞行任务)was the only way to accept it.

If it seems that you don't have a purposeyou could think about how what you are doing influences others or makes a small but important contribution to achieving the goals of your whole team.

As I saypurpose and pleasure are closely related.It is possible to have one without the otherbut it is only having both that will beconduciveto our happiness or progression.Thereforeit's quite necessary for us to occasionally check and review our purposepleasure agreementand take action.


1Which is about experiencing a sense of purpose according to the passage  

A.You're very happy with your new job.

B.You're satisfied with your group work.

C.You're having a rest after a meaningful task is finished.

D.You're contributing to one of your bigger picture goals.

2A cook in a hospital is trying to balance purpose with pleasure when he says"  "

A.I send my love to every patient.

B.I make meals for every patient.

C.I keep the kitchen clean every day.

D.I work longer today than yesterday.

3The underlined word "conducive" in the last paragraph probably means   .





4According to the passagethe writer believes that   .

A.experiencing pleasure helps you get the key point at work

B.enjoyment without achievement in life makes you feel tired

C.thinking about meaning speeds up your enjoyment of one thing

D.life achievement comes with the balance between purpose and happiness




Wildlife in the Ocean Is Disappearing

In 2003a group of scientists finished a 10year project to count tuna(金枪鱼)and other large fish in the world's ocean.They made a very surprising discoveryThese fish are almost gone.Because of too much fishingalmost 90 percent of the worldwide population of large fishthe ones we usually eathas disappeared.If we don't actthese animals will totally disappearand that will affect every animal in the ocean.

The demand for fish is growing.Almost a billion people around the world get their protein(蛋白)mostly from fish.Doctors praise seafood for being low in fat.But what seems like a healthful choice for humans is causing a disaster in our ocean."People are consuming(消费)too much"says Lance MorganChief Scientist at the Marine Conservation Biology Institute.

A dish of tuna in restaurants costs more than just one animal's life.When fish like tuna disappear from the ecosystem(生态系统),the ocean's food chain breaks.Animals such as sharkswhich normally eat tunadie because they find no food.Nets(网)can also catch and kill more others.The bottom neta huge weighted net that large ships pull across the ocean floorcatches plenty of shellfish that can be eaten.At the same timeit also catches much unwanted wildlife.Even worsethe bottom net hurts the ocean floor and destroys natural places where animals and plants normally live and grow.Fish farmers hope to solve these problems by growing fish.Howeverfarmers must feed their animals other fishwhich means killing more animals from the world.

While the news may be frighteningtaking action from now on can prevent harm that hasn't happened yet.World organizations are ordering countries to stop fishing too much.The Monterey Bay Aquarium gives seafood choices to anyone hoping to get health benefits without destroying the environment.

"If you care about wildlifefirst spend time thinking about your own values and beliefs"says Morgan.

"Then decide what you're going to eat."

1What did the scientists discover after completing the 10year project


2Why is a healthful choice for humans causing a disaster in our ocean


3What problems does using the bottom net bring to the ocean


4Would you like to protect wildlife by changing your eating habitsWhy or why not?(Please give two reasons.




19.社会实践(social practice)活动可以帮助你理解与运用知识,如捡拾垃圾、为盲童读故事和参观博物馆等。假设你是李华,你打算邀请交换生Peter参加一次社会实践活动。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他活动内容、理由及安排。

提示词语:invitepick uprubbishmuseumblind

提示问题:•What activity do you plan to do

Why do you do this activity

When and where will you meet

Dear Peter

How is everything going


Hope to hear from you soon.


Li Hua


假设你是李华。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文报纸"My Journey"专栏投稿,介绍你曾参观过的北京某一个景点及参观理由,并谈谈你的收获。

提示词语:tourist attractionthe Summer Palacehistorybeautytreasure

提示问题:•Which tourist attraction that you've visited in Beijing

Why did you visit it

What have you learned by visiting it

