
第Ⅰ卷 (共95分)

Ⅰ. 听力测试。(共30分)

第一节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)


1. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Good afternoon. C. I'm fine.

2. A. Thank you. B. This is Jane. C. What a pity.

3. A. That's all right. B. Yes, please. C. Never mind.

4. A. It's red. B. It's long. C. It's 20 yuan.

5. A. It doesn't matter. B. Good idea. C. Not at all.

6. A. Well done. B. Have fun. C. Sure, I will.

第二节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)


7. A. /dres /. B./desk/. C./dæns /.

8. A. Cards. B. Flowers. C. Cakes.

9. A. To the zoo. B. To the cinema. C. To the farm.

10. A. Jenny's father. B. Jenny's mother. C. Jenny's sister.

11. A. Because it's relaxing. B. Because it's interesting.C. Because it's exciting.

12. A. B. C.

第三节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)



13. How was the weather last weekend?

A. Fine. B. Rainy. C. Snowy.

14. What does Dave advise the girl to take with her?

A. A book. B. A bag. C. A hat.


15. What time does the woman plan to leave for the airport?

A. At 3:00 p. m. B. At 3:15 p. m. C. At 3:30p. m.

16. Where can the driver pick up the woman?

A. At 5 Greenwich Street. B. At 4 Greenwich Street.C. At 5 Garden Street.

第四节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)


17. What animal is Eric?

A. A monkey. B. A tiger. C. A lion.

18. Who took care of Eric when he was young?

A. His parents. B. An old couple. C. Lele.

19. What does Lele love to play?

A. Football. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball.

20. What are the two stories about?

A. Children. B. Families. C. Animals.

Ⅱ. 语法选择。(每小题1分,共10分)


When I was a child, I wanted  21  someone like my father. My father is  22   teacher, and he has taught me a lot.  23   my tenth birthday, he asked me, "What will you do when you grow up?" I answered  24  , "Be a teacher like you!" Hearing this, my father was very happy and said to me, "Try your best  25   your dream will come true."

In the fourth year of my college, I volunteered in a school. One of the teachers was ill.  26   wanted me to take her place for two weeks. I was glad but nervous. My father  27  , "This is a good chance. I wish you success!" The next day, I  28  _ to the class by the head teacher of the school. The children felt very happy. With other  29   help, I did very well.

Personally, the experience has made me even more  30   in being a teacher in the future.

21. A. to be B. be C. being

22. A. a B. an C. the

23. A. Of B. In C. On

24. A. proud B. proudly C. pride

25. A. or B. but C. and

26. A. She. B. Her C. Hers

27. A. say B. says C. said

28. A. introduced B. was introduced C. am introduced

29. A. teacher B. teacher's C. teachers'

30. A. interest B. interested C. interesting

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)

根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

I could hardly believe my ears. I spoke in a rush. "Oh, thank you, sir!" I left the headmaster's office, feeling  31  . I felt as tall as the sky. I wanted to shout, jump, or do something.

I would get the beautiful gold and green  32  !

On the way home, I remembered how nervous I was when I asked Grandpa for money the day before. I told him that the rules were different. The scholarship (奖学金) jacket was not free this year. I had to pay fifteen dollars, or it would be given to someone else. I was so sad when Grandpa  33   to pay. I could remember his words. "  34   you pay for it, it's not a scholarship jacket, is it? Tell your headmaster I will not pay the fifteen dollars."

Grandpa didn't fool me. I couldn't  35   to tell Grandpa and ran straight to the field. But when I saw him, I slowed down. I joined him in pulling up the grass  36   my hands.

After I had a little pile (堆) of grass, I stood up,  37   him and said, "I'm getting the scholarship jacket, Grandpa. That's after I told the headmaster what you said. He said you are  38  . The scholarship jacket is for my highest grades. I don't have to pay for it." Grandpa didn't say anything. He  39   smiled. After a while, he said, "Better go and see if your grandmother needs any help with supper."

I gave  40   a big smile and ran back to the house.

31. A. angry B. great C. young D. tired

32. A. grass B. house C. jacket D. field

33. A. refused B. offered C. agreed D. planned

34. A. Unless B. Until C. Before D. If

35. A. wait B. expect C. decide D. forget

36. A. by B. in C. with D. on

37. A. moved B. taught C. doubted D. faced

38. A. polite B. right C. wrong D. funny

39. A. just B. once C. never D. often

40. A. me B. you C. him D. her

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(41-43小题,每小题1分,44-59小题,每小题2分,共35分)

阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。


Dumplings are traditional Chinese food. Jack is learning to make a dumpling meal for his family. Please help him choose three from the four pictures and match them with the steps below.

  41   Prepare dumpling skins. Mix different kinds of vegetables and meat.

  42   Put fillings onto dumpling skins. Fold them into the shape ofyuanbao.

  43   Put dumplings into boiling water. Cook fresh dumplings for about 5~8 minutes, and frozen dumplings for about 10~15 minutes.

Don't forget to turn off the fire!

A. B. C. D.


"The Green Wall Initiative" is a project that encourages students to protect the environment by creating their own gardens on the walls. The project was started in 2007 by the African Union. Urban Middle School in Beijing is the first one to take part in the project in China.

The project in Urban Middle School teaches students about sustainable (可持续的) practices, plant care and teamwork. In the project, students make plans. A piece of wall is given to each class. Then students choose right plants to grow on the wall. They take turns to take care of the plants. They also record the growth of the plants.

The project is a success. Those living walls not only beautify the school environment, but also help make the air fresher and lower the temperature of the city. Students put into practice what they have learned in environmental science. They also learn to work with others and take care of their own community. Now, more and more schools follow the example, hoping to spread the idea of environmental protection.

44. When was the project started by the African Union?

A. In 2007. B. In 2010. C. In 2015. D. In 2023.

45. What does the writer think of the project?

A. It's boring. B. It's easy. C. It's a failure. D. It's a success.

Which of the following can be put into No.46 and No.47?

46. A. Students take turns to take care of the plants.

B. Students follow the examples of other schools.

C. Students do scientific tests about the temperature.

D. Students clean their own community at weekends.

47. A. Example B. Achievement C. Reason D. Difficulty


The Green Wall Initiative in Urban Middle School


Teachers and students


To protect the environment


● Students make plans.

● A piece of wall is given to each class.

● Students choose right plants to grow on the walls.


● Students record the growth of the plants.


● The environment becomes better than before.

● Students learn about sustainable practices, plant care and teamwork.

● More schools take part in the project.


Bill: (reading) "White like jade, bright as a mirror, thin as paper, sound like a bell."

Mom: Is that for your Chinese story competition?

Bill: Yes. It describes porcelain(瓷器) in Jingdezhen, the "Porcelain Capital of the World". You know porcelain is called china in English because it was first made in China!

Mom: Interesting!

Bill: Many cities in China have a long history of porcelain industry. They have created wonderful porcelain pieces.

Mom: Like Rongchang? We made a bowl in the workshop.

Bill: (smiling) Lots of fun. But that's pottery (陶器). Rongchang is called the "Pottery Capital of China", with Yixing, Jianshui, and Qinzhou. Chinese pottery has a very long history. Porcelain develops from pottery.

Mom: Any differences?

Bill: Er...(searching online) The clay(粘土) is different. And porcelain is fired at a temperature above 1,200℃; pottery below 1,000℃.

Mom: But they look so similar.

Bill: They are called "Taoci" in Chinese. But porcelain feels harder and produces a clear sound.

Mom: (tapping a vase) Like this?

Bill: (nodding) It's blue and white porcelain, one of the four famous types in Jingdezhen, together with linglong porcelain, famille rose porcelain and color-glazed porcelain.

Mom: Any others?

Bill: Many well-known types there, and also in other cities, like Dehua near ancient Quanzhou.

Mom: The Silk Road on the sea?

Bill: Yes. Dehua porcelain was mainly collected by Europeans at that time. Along with China's silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first goods traveling around the world.

Mom: Chinese porcelain has deeply influenced the world porcelain industry.

Bill:Thisis also in my story. And I'm thinking about what else I can talk about.

Mom: How about some Chinese artists? They create priceless works and have students from all over the world. One of them said, "Color is universal. There is no barrier between cultural communications."

Bill: Yes! For cultural communication, there is no barrier; for Chinese culture, I will be a carrier!

Mom: Excellent!

Bill: Thank you, Mom. How can I know that much like you? There's still something unclear.

Mom: Visiting a porcelain museum?

Bill: Good idea!

48. What will Bill mainly talk about in his Chinese story competition?

A. Chinese cities.  B. Chinese history.

C. Chinese pottery.  D. Chinese porcelain.

49. What can we learn about porcelain and pottery?

A. Porcelain feels much softer than pottery.

B. Porcelain is fired at a temperature above 1,200℃.

C. Pottery has a much shorter history than porcelain.

D. Pottery and porcelain use the same kind of clay.

50. What does the underlined word "This" refer to?

A. A famous Chinese artist.  B. Dehua near ancient Quanzhou.

C. The Silk Road on the sea.  D. The influence of Chinese porcelain.

51. Why is Bill's mother always asking questions?

A. Because she knows nothing at all.

B. Because she wants to be an artist.

C. Because she is encouraging her son.

D. Because she is interested in her bowl.


Standing on the beach of Copacabana, I come to realize that any understanding of Brazil really begins on its beaches. Everyone here has his or her perfect beach and is ready to tell you where to find it. I'm happy to take people's advıce, but my final goal is to find my own dream beach.

I head to Bahia, a place with Brazil's best coastline. Over the centuries, people of many races have arrived here, creating a wonderful cultural mix. This mix influences Bahia's language, food, music, and dance.

On arriving at one of Bahia's best beaches —Prainha, I discover its golden sand lined by a row of perfect trees, moving softly in the ocean wind. As I enter the water, I have the feeling of swimming through moonlight. Prainha's beauty is like something you might see in a postcard. But for me, it's a little too perfect.    

I continue my search, heading north to Maceio, a fisherman's beach. Boats lie on their sides while net s hang out to dry on lines between fishermen's houses. We eat on the beach and later rest near the table. It's a great day, but I have one final place to visit.

A few hundred kilometers out in the Atlantic, the islands of Fernando de Noronha are a national park, rich with birds and sea life. I visit a number of beaches on Fernando, but I leave the best one for last.

The beach at Praia do Leao has perfect sand, sea and sky. The water is pale blue and warm, alive with colorful fish and other sea life; the sand is the color of honey. The rocks and strong winds have the touch of wildness I was looking for. I dig my toes in the sand deeply and imagine I can hold on to this place forever.

52. Which is the first beach the writer visits?

A. Maceio. B. Praia do Leao. C. Prainha. D. Copacabana.

53. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Prainha is a popular beach for fishermen.

B. Bahia is a place with a wonderful cultural mix.

C. The islands of Fernando are very rich in honey.

D. Maceio's beauty is like something in a postcard.

54. Which sentence can be put in the    ?

A. The beach I'm searching for needs to be a little wilder.

B. The beach I'm looking for is a place for fishermen to fish.

C. The beach I'm searching for needs to be famous to tourists.

D. The beach I'm looking for is popular with parents and children.

55. What is the best title for this passage?

A. An Unknown Beach  B. Memories of Vacation

C. The Perfect Beach  D. A Tour of Education


①More than 100,000 people cheered at the breathtaking moment when 3,000 drones flew over Chaotianmen on the Chinese New Year Eve. The 15-minute drone show had 300 million views online.

②In fact, drones are easy to operate. People send orders to the control system. Rotors push against the air to make the drone rise or stay in the air. By changing the angle (角度) and the speed of different rotors, the drone flies in all directions.

③Drones can complete difficult and special tasks in a timely and effective way.

④After an earthquake, drones can fly over blocked roads to find people or record any possible danger. Reaching the mountain village by road may take several hours, but drones provide information in just a few minutes.

⑤For weak wildlife populations, drones can show wherepoachersare hiding and if they are carrying guns. At night, drones with infrared(红外线的) cameras can easily find them in the dark.

⑥Drones also provide convenience for the public. For example, at a sports event, drones are used to give a view from above or help coaches see how their players are doing.

⑦In a word, drones have been widely used in emergency (紧急情况), environmental protection, farming, transportation and others, with more fields on the way.

⑧As drones are cheaper, more practical and less dangerous than planes or helicopters, drone flight activities have become the important driving force for the growth of low-altitude economy (低空经济). Besides well-known leaders like DJI, more pioneering companies have appeared. At the end of last year, there were nearly 1.27 million registered (注册的) drones across the country. The drone industry is believed to be full of chances and possibilities.

56. What's the purpose in writing Paragraph 1?

A. To provide the background. B. To lead into the subject.

C. To compare differences.  D. To introduce a festival.

57. What does the underlined word "poachers" in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.非法捕猎者  B.动物保护者

C.无人机驾驶员  D.野生动物管理员

58. Which of the following shows the structure of this passage?

A. B.

C. D.

59. What will the writer probably discuss after the last paragraph?

A. The history of the drone industry. B. The advantages of drones.

C. The future of the drone industry. D. The standards of drones.



A: Hi, Dave!  60   

B: Not good.

A:  61   

B: My right leg began to hurt after I ran this morning.

A:  62   

B: No. I forgot it. And I ran 5 kilometers.

A: That's too much. And it's not right to run without warm-up exercises.

B:  63   What should I do now?

A: You'd better stop running and rest for a few days. If your leg still hurts, go to see a doctor.

B: OK, I will.  64  

A: You are welcome.

A. What happened?

B. How's it going?

C. Let's run together.

D. You are probably right.

E. Thanks for your advice.

F. How often do you exercise?

G. Did you do any warm-up exercises?

第Ⅱ卷 (共55分)

Ⅵ. 任务型阅读。(65-67小题,每小题2分, 68小题3分,共9分)


Liang Qichao educated his own children well. He set a good example for them and often communicated with them. If there were a talk across time and space, he would advise middle school students like this. Don't be afraid of the difficulties in life. Never stop learning. You'll get good results sooner or later. No matter where you go in the world, don't forget your motherland. You have many chances and can go after your personal dreams anywhere, but you should always keep your homeland in your heart.

It took Qian Xuesen five years to finally return to China from America and ten years to complete the rocket project. Mr. Qian put all his life into the endless outer space as the leader of China's "Two Bombs and One Satellite" Project. He is known as the "father of China's space program" and "king of rocket". Qian Xuesen was so great a scientist, but he never stopped his research. He believed that there was no end to the exploration(探索) of science and truth, and said, "Nothing is final!"

When Yuan Longping was young, he saw lots of Chinese people starving(挨饿). To make sure everyone had enough to eat, he worked in the fields for many years doing experiments. He didn't stop even when others told him he was wasting his time. Because of his research, China's rice yields(产量) increased greatly. When hunger was no longer a problem in China, Mr. Yuan still spent all his time out in the experimental fields so that people could live a better life.

65. Did Liang Qichao educate his own children well?


66. How long did it take Qian Xuesen to finally return to China from America?


67. What qualities(品质) do the three great people have in common(共有的)?


68. As there are different situations in real life, do you agree that nothing is final? Please explain.




69. She visited her grandparents last Sunday. (改为否定句)

She ______ ______ her grandparents last Sunday.

70. Tom helps his parents to do housework after school.(对划线部分提问)

______ ______ Tom help his parents to do housework?

71. Please teach me how I can play the piano.(改为同义句)

Please teach me how ______ ______ the piano.


He prefers to go to school ______ ______ because it's good exercise.

73. Helen, a, cake, me, bought (连词成句)




"Do you get enough sleep?" The answer is probably no if you ask a tired student who is always taking a nap(小睡) on a classroom desk. "I couldn't get to sleep and experienced a restless night again." You may often hear such words from an adult. Not having enough  74   is a common problem around the world.

However, sleep is just like food and water to us.  75   of us can live if we don't sleep at all. Sleep experts say that an adult requires 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night and a teenager needs 8.5 to 9.5 hours. Anything less could be h  76   to our health.

According to a study, sleeping only five hours a night for a week is like having a blood-alcohol (酒精) level of 0.1 percent. That is above the safe driving limit(限制) in most countries. Most people probably wouldn't take an exam or go to work if they get drunk. But  77   enough sleep, they still do these things. As a result, they  78   in the exams or perform badly at work. What's worse, doctors and nurses often work long hours. When they are sleepy, they might hurt a patient or even  79   a patient's death by accident.

  80   sleep is so important, many people these days are not getting enough. In a survey, twenty percent say that daytime sleepiness influences their daily work. They feel it hard to pay full attention during the day. However, they don't seem to care. Some even show off how energetic they can be the next day just with little sleep. It may be time to wake up and  81   the way we think. We should realize that not sleeping enough is a serious problem.








sad, upset,


rush to, hurry...

close to nature:raindrop,ant,plant,soil,fresh air...

outdoor activities:raincoat,puddle(水洼),jump like frogs...

indoor activities:class talent show,reading and storytelling...

art:painting,drawing pictures,movie day...


natural thing,

enjoy, cheer, joy,

better manage,

bright side,

don't trouble yourself...






















Ⅰ.听力测试1-6  7-12  13-16  17-20

Ⅱ.语法填空21-25AACBC 26-30 ACBCB

Ⅲ.完形填空31-35 BCADA 36-40CDBAC

Ⅳ.阅读理解41-43 CDA  44-47ADAB  48-51DBDC  52-55CBAC  56-59BADC



65. Yes./ Yes, he did.

66. 5 years./Five years.

67. The spirit of never giving up when facing difficulties and the love for our country/China. (两个方面,一个要点一分)

68. Nothing is final. 意为“凡事皆无止尽”。答题方向: We should always keep trying and never give up in the face of difficulty. As long as we treat them as challenges in life, we can finally overcome them and improve ourselves. (言之成理即可)

VII. 完成句子69. didn't visit  70. When does  71. to play

72. on foot  73. Helen bought me a cake.

Ⅷ.短文填空74. sleep  75. None 76. harmful  77. without

78. fail  79. cause  80. Though/Although 81. change

XI. 书面表达

