


2.领到试卷和答题卡后,请用0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔,分别在试卷和答题卡上填写姓名和准考证号,同时用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂对应的试卷类型信息点(A或B)。



第一部分(听力 共30分)

Ⅰ. 听选答案(共15 小题,计20分)


1. A. Saying hello. B. Saying sorry. C. Saying thanks.

2. A. A hat. B. A book. C. A toy.

3. A. On the sofa. B. Under the sofa. C. Behind the sofa.

4. A. A scientist. B. A writer. C. A teacher.

5. A. Go to the party. B. Go to the club. C. Go to the museum.

6. A. Excited. B. Tired. C. Surprised.

7. A. Black. B. White. C. Yellow.

8. A. Jason. B. Bob. C. Eric.

9. A. For four years. B. For three years. C. For seven years.

10. A. He agrees with the girl.

B. He doesn't agree with the girl.

C. He cares little about the girl's opinion.


听第1段材料,回答第11、12 小题。

11. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A. School gardens. B. School food. C. School festivals.

12. What fruit do the students grow according to the speaker?

A. Apples. B. Strawberries. C. Pears.

听第2段材料,回答第13 至 15 小题。

13. What's the girl's idea about the break time after class?

A. It's more important to do homework at break.

B. Relaxing at break helps students learn better.

C. It's better to talk to teachers at break.

14. What did the boy learn in the history class?

A. About the history of Qin times.

B. About the history of Han times.

C. About the history of Tang times.

15. Where are the two speakers probably talking?

A. At school. B. At home. C. At the cinema.

Ⅱ. 听填信息(共5 小题,计10分)


16. The students are learning to make a bookmark with leaves in the _______________.

17. They have prepared some colored _______________ and card paper right for the bookmark.

18. First, they're going to _______________ some leaves that have fallen off trees.

19. They need to be creative to make their bookmarks _______________.

20. In the end, they can _______________ they like on their bookmarks.

第二部分(笔试 共90分)

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共20小题,计20分)


Do you like dogs? As the saying goes, “Dogs  21   man's best friends.” And this animal has been good friends  22   human beings for thousands of years. In China today,  23   people keep dogs as their pets in the city. In the countryside, people keep dogs  24   doors of their houses. The army or police also keep dogs, but for different working purposes.

Crime (犯罪活动) sometimes takes place in the society. Police dogs have an important role in fighting crime. Each dog  25   with one police officer. Together, the dog and the officer go through a  26   program of difficult training. From the training, the dog can learn many skills.  27   will help it a lot in its future tasks. After the dog  28  , it will use its super-powerful nose to help the officer look for criminals, search for stolen things and sniff (嗅) out something dangerous and illegal*. A police dog and its human partner always work  29   as a team. They stay together almost all the time.

This explains  30   good helpers to people.

* The word “illegal” means not allowed by the law.

21. A. am B. is C. are D. be

22. A. at B. as C. in D. with

23. A. many B. much C. few D. little

24. A. watch B. to watch C. see D. to see

25. A. has worked B. was working C. worked D. works

26. A. four-month B. four months C. four-month's D. four months of

27. A. Skills B. The skills C. Skill D. A skill

28. A. trains B. trained C. is trained D. was trained

29. A. close B. closely C. poor D. poorly

30. A. why do dogs B. why dogs do C. why are dogs D. why dogs are


The Turtle was not satisfied with his life. He wanted so much to  31   being a turtle.

“I'm tired of swimming about in the sea and moving around on the beach. Life is not  32  ,” he thought. “I want to be able to fly in the air like an eagle.”

He spoke to the Eagle about it.

“You're not built for  33  ,” the Eagle told the Turtle. “You don't have any wings.”

“Don't  34   that,” answered the Turtle. “I've watched how the birds do it for a long time. I've watched  35   how they fly and do things in the air. I think I really got it.  36   I don't have wings, I can make my four flippers (鳍足) act like wings of birds in the air, the way I do in the water. Just get me up there, and you'll see I can fly as well as any of the birds - probably even  37  ! Besides, if you carry me as high as the clouds, I will bring you lots of nice pearls (珍珠) from the sea to show my thanks.”

The Eagle  38   at last, and carried the Turtle up high into the sky.

“Now then!” cried the Eagle. “Fly!”

But the moment the Turtle was on his own, he fell from the  39  . He fell like a stone, and on a stone he landed. He hit it with such force that he broke into little pieces.

We need to  40   ourselves better so that we can make wiser decisions.

31. A. continue B. stop C. try D. enjoy

32. A. interesting B. healthy C. busy D. hard

33. A. swimming B. running C. flying D. climbing

34. A. look after B. hear about C. prepare for D. worry about

35. A. quickly B. carefully C. strangely D. helplessly

36. A. Though B. Before C. Unless D. Until

37. A. better B. lower C. nearer D. earlier

38. A. refused B. agreed C. won D. left

39. A. tree B. house C. sky D. mountain

40. A. relax B. express C. teach D. understand

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(共15 小题,计20分)



41. When is the English class party?

A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Friday. C. Next Wednesday. D. Next Saturday.

42. Who will make the poster?

A. John. B. Xu Jie. C. Harry. D. Li Na.

43. What kind of writing is the text?

A. Interview. B. Play. C. Conversation. D. Report.


When I was young, I loved paper cutting and I was pretty good at it. As I grew up, I became busy and didn't have much time for it. Later, I stopped doing it.

However, the news I came across online touched my heart and changed my mind. A little girl from Jieyang, Guangdong was practicing lion dance when a professional lion dance performance team (专业舞狮表演队) passed by. As soon as they saw the girl practicing, they started to beat drums and gongs for her and quickly she did a lion dance in return. People around all cheered for her. Her love for the ancient Chinese cultureevokedmy strong memories of paper cutting.

I remembered the happy times of making paper cuttings with my teacher and friends in the club. When I was ten, I joined the paper cutting club. Every Monday and Friday, I learned to make paper cuttings there. Our teacher, Ms. Li, was very talented. With a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, she could create lively works (作品). That amazed us. And we learned much from her. Together, we created lots of works. They covered many topics, including animals, flowers and things about Chinese history. Every time we held a paper cutting show, our works attracted many visitors. The girl in the news encouraged me to go on with paper cutting. I want to be an inheritor (继承者) of the ancient Chinese culture. Together with other inheritors, I hope to pass down our excellent culture.

44. What did the girl do after the team began to beat drums and gongs for her?

A. She watched their show carefully. B. She did a lion dance in return.

C. She cheered for the team. D. She made a paper cutting for the team.

45. The underlined word “evoked” means “________” in Paragraph 2.

A. brought back B. took away C. cut off D. depended on

46. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. The long history of paper cutting. B. The steps of making paper cuttings.

C. The writer's happy times of making paper cuttings. D. The writer's plans for setting up a paper cutting club.

47. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer wasn't good at paper cutting at a young age.

B. Now the writer practices paper cutting twice a week.

C. The writer hopes to be an inheritor of paper cutting.

D. After watching the news, the writer decided to learn lion dance.


SHARE THE MAGIC of Italian song with Jonas Kaufmann as he shows us both on and off stage, how he fell in love with Italy and its music.

“ITALIANS LOVE TO SING. They sing in the street, they sing while they go about their business. It is not just a cliché - in Italy, you see grown-up men just singing while they work, because they want to somehow express their feelings. Music is not only to make you smile, music is to make you think, and sometimes to understand that you're not the only one carrying great problems with you. By expressing that in a song, you can better live with it, because somebody found the right words, the right way to express what you're feeling at that moment. The songs on this album* showthe whole range of emotions that Italian music is capable of, ** just like in opera..."

- Jonas Kaufmann

* The word “album” in the text means a group of songs or pieces of music on a CD.

** The underlined part means the rich feelings that Italian music is able to express.

48. The songs on this album are sung in ___________.

A. Russian B. French C. English D. Italian

49. From Kaufmann's words, we can know ___________.

A. how much Italians love music B. how he created his music

C. his experience of learning music D. his advice on making music

50. Which of the following would Kaufmann most probably agree according to the text?

A. Music is a tool to learn a language. B. Music can work as the key to the door of art.

C. Music is the most beautiful art form. D. Music can make people less lonely.


Rain forests are forests that get a lot of rain. It can rain more than one inch (=2. 54 cm) per day! There are tropical (热带的) rain forests all over the world.  51   They are very warm.

The Amazon is in South America. It is the biggest rain forest in the world. More than half of the rain forest is in Brazil.  52  

Many plants and animals live in the Amazon. There are more kinds of plants and animals there than anywhere else in the world. The biggest mix of plants and animals live in the canopy.  53   The canopy keeps off most of the sunlight. The rain forest floor is very dark.

  54   There are more than 400 different native tribes(土著部落)! Native people used to stay in the rain forest. They found food and built homes there. They made medicine from plants. Now they sometimes leave. They go into nearby towns to sell food. Still, they live in their own ways.

Today, the Amazon is faced with the problem of deforestation. This means that too many trees are cut down by humans and  55   What can we do to protect the rain forest and the wildlife there?

A. The canopy is a thick coat of trees.

B. They are found near the equator (赤道).

C. it brings harmful results to the wildlife in the Amazon.

D. it makes more space for the animals in the Amazon to live in.

E. They have found some wildlife near the equator.

F. The rest spreads across eight other countries.

G. People live in the Amazon too.


56. 地图在我们的日常生活中很有用。

Maps are very useful in our __________________ life.

57. 如果你有一张地图,迷路时就不会感到害怕。

If you have a map, you won't __________________ when you get lost.

58. 手机上的地图小程序会让我们的生活更便捷。

Map apps __________________ can make our life more convenient.

59. 如果你想乘坐公交车,地图小程序能告诉你选择哪一路车。

If you want to __________________, map apps can tell you which one to choose.

60. 有了地图的帮助,你就能轻易地找到你要去的地方。

With the help of maps, you can __________________ that you want to go to.

Ⅵ.短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次,每空限填一个单词。)(共10 小题,计10分)

play  be  tradition  send  you  rapid  cheap  need  email  person

Email is a way of sending messages to other people through the Internet. It is much 61. __________ and quicker than sending a letter. If you want to 62. __________ emails, you need to create an email address for 63. __________. This address is usually made up of letters and dots (点) and the symbol “@” (meaning “at”). This is what an address looks like Jenny@mail.com. When you email someone, type in (输入) this 64. __________ email address, and then send your message on the Internet. Many people today don't 65. __________ to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office since the Internet 66. __________ invented. Quick and convenient - that's the character of all 67. __________! Ever since the birth of email, letters that are written and sent in the68. __________ way have received a special name - snail mail. Yet, technology is developing 69. __________, and some other ways of online communication, such as WeChat in China, have 70. __________ a more important part than email.

Ⅶ.任务型阅读:阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5 小题,计10分)

The Internet is the best thing to happen since the creation of the alphabet*. However, can you trust what you read on the Internet? Anyone in the world can put a website on the Internet. Many people say that the things they read on the Internet may not be true. You need to be careful when you look through lots and lots of information. As you explore the Internet for information, here are some ideas to get the right things online.

First, check who wrote the website. Make sure that the writer is an expert. For example, if the topic is science, make sure the writer is a (n) _______ or a science teacher. The expert can provide us with professional knowledge or statistics (统计数据) in the field. Make sure to study the statistics so that you can avoid making minor mistakes**

Next, make sure the site is there for a good reason, not a bad one. If the site is meant to fool you, you can be sure you can't trust what's on it. If the site is there to give you information, the information is more possibly good.

Also, check how old the information is. A good research engine (搜索引擎) can help you get a date for when something was written. In many subjects, like science, new information replaces old information all the time.

Finally, train yourself to be a serious person about the information from websites. You can use other resources to check what you've got online.

If you follow these suggestions, you will become a better user of the Internet.

* Alphabet is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order, such as Aa to Zz in English, and used in writing.

** A minor mistake is a mistake that is small and not so important or serious.

71. How many pieces of advice does the writer give?

The writer gives ________________________ pieces of advice.

72. What word (s) can you put in the “_______”?

I can put “________________________” there.

73. Why should you study the statistics on the site?

Because we can avoid ________________________ if we do that.

74. Which paragraph best matches the picture on the right?

It's Paragraph ________________________ in the passage.

75. What's the passage mainly about?

It's about how to ________________________.



David: Hi, Zihan! I've been reading a book recently. It mentions a place called Yan'an.76. ________________________?

Zihan: Yes. Yan'an is my hometown. Let me tell you something about it. Yan'an is a city inShaanxi Province. It's one of the revolutionary bases (革命根据地). It's very important in Chinese history.

David: 77. ________________________?

Zihan: Because great leaders of the CPC*once lived and worked there. What they did had a great influence on the founding of the New China. What's more, the Yan'an Spiri means a lot to the Chinese.

David: 78. ________________________?

Zihan: It's the spirit of being hard-working and self-supporting. In the past, the spirit supported Chinese people through the hard times. Today, it still encourages us to work hard for a better life.

David: I got it. I think Yan'an is really important to Chinese people.

Zihan: 79. ________________________ . That's why more and more people visit Yan'an these years. Maybe next time I can show you around my hometown.

David: Great! I hope to go there one day. Thank you.

Zihan: 80. ________________________ .

* CPC stands for the“Communist Party of China”. It's“中国共产党”in Chinese.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)

假如你是李斌,开学初老师在劳动实践课(labor class)上布置了一项作业,内容是栽培一种植物(绿植、花、水果、蔬菜等),观察并记录它(们)的生长变化。你完成了这项作业并且觉得很有趣,打算写一封邮件和你的笔友 Tom分享此次经历和感受。


grow, look after, watch, record (v.记录), a feeling of satisfaction, fun, learn, …






Hi Tom,

How's it going? I'd like to share the interesting experience of my labor homework with you.


Can you share your interesting experience with me? Looking forward to your reply.

Li Bin



1-5 CABBC 6-10 ACBCB 11-15 ABBCA

16. art class 17. pencils 18. pick up

19. more beautiful 20. write something

26-30ABCBD 31-35 BACDB 36-40 AABCD

41-50 BBC BACC DAD 51-55 BFAGC

56. daily 57. be /feel /get afraid/scared 58. (installed) on mobile phones

59. take the bus 60. easily find the place 61. cheaper

62. send 63. yourself 64. personal

65. need 66. was 67. emails

68. traditional 69. rapidly 70. played

71. 4/four 72. scientist 73. making minor mistakes

74. 5/Five 75. get the right things online 76. Do you know that place

77. Why is it very important in Chinese history

78. What is Yan'an Spirit

79. You are right

80. You are welcome


This term, my teacher assigned me a project to grow a plant and record its changes.

I chose a sunflower and named it Sunny. I put the seats to a nice container and carefully recorded their changes. Each day, I watered and looked after Sunny with care. It was fascinating to see how it slowly grew taller and stronger. When I saw the sun flowers grew well I get a strong feeling of satisfaction. And the funny shape of the sunflower makes me deeply interested in it.

The interesting experience taught me patience and the beauty of nature. I hope you try this too!

