

1. 本试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上规定位置,认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在指定位置上。

3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

县区_________    考点_____________

考场_________    座位号___________

姓名_________    准考证号________




My mother is a tailor (裁缝). She makes___1___for people. She always tries to make people’s clothes___2___. She can make all different kinds of clothes.

I would like to tell you how my mother learned to make clothes. At first, she didn’t know___3___to make clothes at all! But then one day my father fell seriously ill and we children were young. My mother had to do something to___4___us. She started trying to make our clothes. That is how she learned. Day by day, she was getting___5___. When our neighbors saw our beautiful clothes, they asked my mother to make clothes for___6___, too.

But they were not paying my mother because she was not a real tailor then. So my grandfather told my mother, “If I buy you a sewing machine (缝纫机), you can tell people ‘I will make clothes for you, but you should pay me. You can pay me whatever you want. I will not tell you how much to pay.’” The people___7___to pay my mother. Some paid her___8___, but others didn’t pay her very much. But my mother didn’t care because she was so happy.

“If you want your hopes to come true, you need to work hard.” my mother often says. This is what I learned from my mother. Mother works so hard for us,___9___she wants us to be happy. I’m very proud___10___her and I love her a lot. Thanks to her. I can go to school and achieve my dreams.

1. A. toys B. cakes C. clothes D. umbrellas

2. A. beautiful B. strange C. special D. comfortable

3. A. why B. how C. where D. when

4. A. wait for B. listen to C. depend on D. look after

5. A. busier B. thinner C. better D. luckier

6. A. them B. us C. him D. her

7. A. hoped B. agreed C. refused D. continued

8. A. slowly B. angrily C. quietly D. fairly

9. A. if B. because C. though D. until

10. A. for B. on C. of D. at





Trees are good for the planet. They make clean air for us to take in. They give us the shade (阴凉) we need on hot days. Planting trees makes the world a healthier place. They are not just good for people. Birds and other animals need trees too. Would you like to plant a tree next Earth Day? These four steps will show you how.

Step 1

Dig a deep hole.

Step 2

Place the tree in the hole.

Step 3

Place soil (土壤) around the tree.

Step 4

Water the tree.

Be sure to plant a kind of tree that grows naturally in your area. It is better for other plants and animals. Ask your parents or teachers to help you.


11. What does the writer think of planting trees?

A. Safe. B. Great. C. Free. D. Common.

12. What is the second step to plant a tree?

A. Water the tree. B. Dig a deep hole.

C. Place the tree in the hole. D. Place soil around the tree.

13. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To teach how to plant a tree. B. To share an interesting story.

C. To show how to protect animals. D. To ask parents or teachers for help.

14. In which part of a website can you probably read this passage?

A. Travel. B. Culture. C. History. D. Science.


The Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It is believed to have a history of about 2, 500 years. Over the centuries, Chinese people have developed colorful traditions, including flying kites, eating cold food and going on spring outings. The most important tradition of the festival is sweeping tombs (扫墓) .

The Qingming Festival usually falls on April 4 or 5. It falls on April 4 this year. On April 3, a middle school in Guyuan, Ningxia held a special activity for students —a 54-kilometer hike to Renshanhe Martyr Cemetery (任山河烈士陵园) . At 4: 30 in the morning, more than 2, 000 teachers and students set off from the starting point. They hiked for 27 kilometers until they reached Renshanhe Martyr Cemetery. When they arrived there, they swept tombs and offered flowers to pay respects to the revolutionary martyrs (革命烈士) . Then they returned 27 kilometers to where they started at 7: 30 p. m.

Starting in 1995, the 54-kilometer hike is a traditional ideological and political class (思政课) of the school. “We hope students can not only learn about the revolutionary martyrs from books, but also experience and touch history on the spot (实地) ,” the school’s headmaster said.

“Although it has been a difficult trip, I would like to say that what I did is very meaningful.” said Zhao Mingyu, a student from Grade 8. “I deeply realized that we can’t live a happy life today without the revolutionary martyrs. ”

15. Which of the following is the most important tradition of the Qingming Festival?

A. Flying kites. B. Eating cold food.

CSweeping tombs. D. Going on spring outings.

16. How does the writer describe the special activity in Paragraph 2?

A. By listing numbers. B. By telling reasons.

C. By asking questions. D. By comparing differences.

17. Why did the school start the 54-kilometer hike?

A. To help students live a happy life.

B. To help students develop colorful traditions.

C. To help students experience and touch history on the spot.

D. To help students learn about the revolutionary martyrs from books.

18. Which of the following isTRUEaccording to the passage?

A. The Qingming Festival falls on April 5 this year.

B. The 54-kilometer hike started in 2000.

C. It took the students 3 hours to finish the 54-kilometer hike.

D. Zhao Mingyu thought the hike was difficult but meaningful.


Recycling is good for the environment. It can also do good to a community in surprising ways. Brian, a 15-year-old boy, knows this well. In 2020, he started a community recycling program to offer help to football clubs in his hometown, Wyre.Itnow has 3, 000 participants (参与者) .

When Brian was 11, he played football with Fleetwood Town F. C. The club was new and needed money to travel to Premier League (英超联赛). Brian came up with a plan. “There were bottles always thrown around the road,” he said. “In Wyre, these can be collected for money.” With his father’s help, Brian started a bottle drive. Since then, Brian’s recycling effort has raised £35, 000 and helped at least 20 local youth groups. It has also stopped more than 200, 000 bottles from littering the roadside and polluting Wyre’s lakes and rivers. “It’s kept our community a lot cleaner.” he says.

In 2023, Brian won The Duke of Edinburgh’s Prize for young heroes. The prize goes to kids and teenagers working to help others and protecting Planet Earth. “I’m happy to know that all these clubs and kids around the community are benefiting (受益)”, Brian says, when asked about all he’s finished with his cleanup effort.

Brian believes everyone can—and should—be of service. “Just do a little bit to help make the world a little bit of a better place,” he says. “Be creative”, he adds. “Have an idea and build on it.”

19. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 1 refer to (指)?

A. The environment. B. Brian’s hometown.

C. The football club. D. The recycling program.

20. Which is the right order of the following facts?

① Brian came up with a plan to raise money.

② Brian started a bottle drive with his father’s help.

③ Brian played football with Fleetwood Town F. C.

④ Brian won The Duke of Edinburgh’s Prize for young heroes.

A. ①③②④ B. ①④③② C. ③①②④ D. ③①④②

21. What is Brian like according to the passage?

A. Quiet and polite. B. Helpful and creative.

C. Careful and friendly. D. Honest and hard-working.

22. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Young Hero B. A Clean Community

C. A Tour of Premier League D. A Prize for Kids and Teenagers


①AI is shaking up the world now. It has been widely used in many different fields.

AI in Communication

Chatbots (聊天机器人) , a kind of Al-driven tool, have become a necessary part of modern communication. They can understand and reply to users at once. Whether it’s on websites or mobile apps, chatbots can offer support in real time. Besides, AI users can control smart home tools through voice orders. AI is reshaping (重塑) the way we communicate in our daily lives.

AI in Transportation

AI makes a big difference to traffic. For example, some ride-sharing platforms (拼车平台) depend heavily on AI. They use AI to match passengers with drivers and provide better transportation services. And self-driving cars are a main example of AI’s use in transportation, too. With the help of AI, they can reduce accidents and help those unable to drive.

AI in Education

AI provides a smart way to education. It changes the way teachers teach and students learn. AI in classrooms can make teaching and learning more interesting, which helps students focus more on their studies. AI can also offer students support outside classrooms. For example, it can help with homework, answer questions, and provide explanations. By analyzing (分析) students’ advantages, weaknesses and learning needs, AI can makesuitablestudy plans for them. This can help students achieve their learning goals easier.

⑤All in all, AI is shaping and will continue to shape our everyday experiences.

23. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. Researches on AI in transportation. B. Suggestions on AI in transportation.

C. Problems of AI in transportation. D. Advantages of AI in transportation.

24. What does the underlined word “suitable” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. New. B. Proper. C. Simple. D. Different.

25. What can we probably infer (推断) from the passage?

A. It takes a long time for chatbots to reply to users.

B. Ride-sharing platforms hardly depend on AI.

CAI can only offer help inside classrooms.

D. AI will continue to influence our daily lives.

26. Which of the following shows the structure (结构) of the passage?

A. B. C. D.



Spoken English is an important part of English learning. If you are weak in it, the following advice may help you.

___27___Lots of reading improves your vocabulary and helps you keep in touch with English. Consider reading aloud to improve your pronunciation of words. If you come across new words, make sure you search for their meanings. Try to remember these words and use them in your speech.

Second, listen more.___28___You can also write down the words of the songs and say them just as you hear them. Or you can turn to an online voice and accent software (语音软件) for help. Listening to English news on the radio is also helpful.

Third, just speak. Find a native (本土的) speaker and communicate with the person without worrying about making mistakes.___29___Making use of every chance to speak English will help improve your pronunciation.

Finally, be active.___30___Through the interaction (互动) with your teacher and classmates, you will get the skills required to communicate naturally. You won’t become a good speaker by passive (被动的) listening.

As long as you follow these suggestions, you will be sure to improve your spoken English.

A. First of all, read widely.

B. It is a great place to practice your spoken English.

C. Consider listening to English songs and try following them.

D. If you need more practice, be active in your English class.

E. A native speaker will help point out your mistakes and correct you.



A: Hi, Amy. Where did you go on vacation?

B: Oh, hi, Lily.___31___

A: Wow, which do you like best?

B: Well, I think Ningxia Museum is the best. There are many rock paintings there.___32___

A: Were there many people in it?

B: Yes. There were many students there, but they were quiet.

A: Cool!___33___

B: No, I won’t. Next year, I plan to visit Chengdu.

A: Nice plan. By the way, I’ll have a party at home this Sunday.___34___

B: Sure, I’d love to! What do you think I should wear?


B: Wonderful! See you on Sunday!

A: See you!

A. You can wear a nice dress.

B. Would you like to come?

C. You know, I like rock paintings very much.

D. I went to Ningxia and visited some museums there

E. Will you go there next year?




More Than Just A Noodle Shop

Guo Zhanglong, a Chinese young man, has lived in France____36____12 years. In 2022, he____37____(begin) selling traditional Shanxi sliced noodles in France. Sliced noodles are also____38____(call) Daoxioomian in Chinese. Guo shared some videos of his noodle shop online, and the shop____39____(quick) became popular. So far, he has already had____40____(million) of fans all over the world.

At first, Guo was____41____(worry) about whether his noodles would be popular with French customers.____42____, he found the French customers not only could eat it, but also accepted it with gusto (津津有味). “Many French friends have added____43____(we) noodles to their daily diet now,” Guo said. “Food knows no borders (国界).”

Since the noodle shop opened. Guo has hosted (招待) many French people____44____are interested in China. Over dinnerGuo often shares his knowledge of China with them. “I want more and more____45____(foreigner) to learn about Chinese food and Chinese culture, so that they can better understand China,” he said.



up, forget, laugh, get out of, and, thing, sad, everyone, a lot of, always

Having close friends is one of the best____46____in our life. In fact,____47____should have some close friends.

One reason to have close friends is that you____48____have someone to work together with. For example, my friends____49____I often write songs together. We have written____50____wonderful songs by helping each other.

Another reason for having close friends is that they can cheer you____51____. They try to do this whenever you are____52____. For examplewhen I got a disappointing grade on my math test last week, my friends told jokes to make me____53____.

Life is better with close friends. They help us enjoy life sometimes and help us to____54____difficult situations. The next time your friends do something nice for you, don’t____55____to say, “Nothing beats having close friends.”



Qian Xuesen-the Father of China’s Missiles (导弹)

Name: Qian Xuesen

Title (称号): The Father of China’s Missiles

Date of birth: December 11, 1911

Personal experiences: 1934: traveled to the United States for further study

1938: worked as a teacher as well as a researcher

1955: returned to China

1956: set up the first research institute (研究所) of rockets and missiles

Contribution (贡献): made important contributions to China’s missile, rocket and space programs

Why I admire (钦佩) him: spent all his life on the research and development of missile, rocket and space programs in China

I think Qian Xuesen, a pioneer of China’s missiles and rockets, is among the greatest people that have ever lived.

He was born on____56____. In 1934, he traveled across the Pacific Ocean to the United States for further study. There he received his Ph.D. degrees. In 1938, he became a____57____as well as a researcher studying rockets and missiles.

When he____58____in 1955, the country’s space research was almost a blank (空白) . In 1956, he set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles. From then on, he led his team to develop China’s missile and rocket research programs and made important contributions. Because of his achievements, he got the title “____59____”.

Qian Xuesen spent all his life on the research and development of missile, rocket and space programs in China. His great love of his country was expressed in his saying, “My career (事业) is in China, my success is in China and my home is in China!” His spirit enoourages Chinese young people. I____60____him so much.



61. 下周三,你校将举办运动会。假如你是校学生会主席,请你代表学生会在校宣传栏英语专栏上用英语给全校学生写一则通知。


1. 时间:下周三上午八点开始,周五下午五点结束;

2. 地点:学校操场;

3. 活动要求:






1. 通知内容必须包括所有要点,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;

3. 词数80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

参考词汇:volunteer work 志愿工作   Students’ Union 学生会


Dear students,

We are excited to tell you that our school will hold a sports meeting.


We hope all of you have fun.

Students’ Union


1. 本试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟。

2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上规定位置,认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在指定位置上。

3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

县区_________    考点_____________

考场_________    座位号___________

姓名_________    准考证号________




【答案】1. C   2. A   3. B   4. D   5. C   6. A   7. B   8. D   9. B   10. C






【答案】11. B   12. C   13. A   14. D



【答案】15. C   16. D   17. C   18. D



【答案】19. D   20. C   21. B   22. A



【答案】23. D   24. B   25. D   26. C



【答案】27. A   28. C   29. E   30. D



【答案】31. D   32. C   33. E   34. B   35. A




【答案】36. for   

37. began   38. called   

39. quickly   

40. millions   

41. worried   

42. However   

43. our   44. who##that   

45. foreigners



【答案】46. things   

47. everyone   

48. always   49. and   

50. a lot of   51. up   

52. sad   53. laugh   

54. get out of   

55. forget



【答案】56. December 11, 1911   

57. teacher   

58. returned to China   

59. The Father of China’s Missiles   

60. admire





Dear students,

We are excited to tell you that our school will hold a sports meeting. It will begin at 8:00 am next Wednesday and end at 5:00 pm next Friday. It will be held on our playground. The followings are what you should pay attention to.

First, you must get to the playground on time. Don’t be late. Second, you should wear comfortable clothes and sports shoes. Third, you need to do some volunteer work, such as cleaning the playground, giving some water to the runners. Fourth, you mustn’t move around when the sports meeting begins. Last but not least, you can bring some snacks or drinks.

We hope all of you have fun.

Students’ Union



