

1.(15分)The first astronauts

Since the earliest timespeople have looked up at the starsthe moon and the planetsToday people use modern machines1at the skyThis is very different from the situation2years ago when people could only use their eyesPerhaps they dreamed of3the universe

When did humans first go into spaceThe story began not so very long ago4the first astronauts were not peoplethey were animals

Scientists wanted to make travelling to space as5as possible for humansSo they decided to experiment with animals and test6in spaceflightsInsectsmicefrogsdogs and monkeys were some of the animals7first went into spaceMany of them8but they helped to make space travel safer for humansFor their great servicewe9forget these animals

Albertwas the first monkey to go into space in 1949Sadly he died10his spaceship landed back on Earth

11the result was different for Ham the MonkeyHis story ended happily when he return to earth12very good health

Scientists wanted to know the answer to the important questioncould13animal like Ham do the same things in space as he could do on EarthThe answer came when Ham14into space in 1961Yeshe did everything well and lived for1516 years


1A look

Bto look





Cthousand of

Dthousands of

3A explore

B to explore

C explored









Dthe safest





7A whom






C have died

Dwill die

9A shouldn't

Bmay not

Cdon't have to




















Cis sent

Dwas sent




Dthe others


2.(15分)John suddenly jumped off the swing without even slowing downHe called out nervously"Momwhere's Charlie"He had just1he hadn't seen his new puppy for over an hour

John looked around the gardenbehind the bushesand under the picnic tableNo dog! His mother heard2in his voice as he called her a second time" MomI can't find Charlie!"

She came outside3"Let's look around the garden firstDon't worryI'm sure he's close by

Both son and mother were4nowbut still no CharlieTheir calls were not completely wastedthoughJoethe nextdoor neighborand his two daughters Tania and Julieimmediately agreed to help them5the lost dog

But even with five people now searching the town's streetsthey had no luckCharlie was still6

Tania suggested they make posters with Charlie's7She had done this whenher own cat was lost a year earliershe told Johnand the cat was found the next day

John agreedWhen they got homehe made a poster with a photo of CharlieThen John heard a8and opened his bedroom doorIt was CharlieJohn was greeted with a big wet kiss Charlie had been9in the bedroom this whole timesleepingJohn had never been so10in his life!


















5Agive up

Blook for

Crun after

Dtake care of






















3.(10分)An elephant and a crocodile were once standing beside riverThey weredisputingwhich was the better animal

"Look at my strength"said the elephant"I can pull up a treeroots and allwith my trunk"

"Ah! But your skin is not nearly so thick as mine"replied the crocodile"No knife or tooth can cut through it"

Just as they were coming to blowsa lion happened to pass

"My dear friends !" said the King of all animalsgoing up to them"Let me know the cause of your disagreement"

"Will you kindly tell us which is the better animal"cried both at once

Certainly"said the lionpointing across the river"Do you see the soldiers metal hat on that wall"

"Yes! "replied the beasts

"Wellthen"continued the lion" go and get itand bring it to meand I shall be able then to decide between you"

Upon hearing thisoff they startedThe crocodilebeing used to the waterreached the opposite side of the river firstand was soon standing beside the wall

Here he waited till the elephant came upThe elephantseeing that the crocodile had no way of reaching their goalraised his long trunkand took down the hat quite easily

They then made their way together back again across the riverThe elephant was trying to keep up with the fastmoving crocodile in the water and became carelessWhen he was forced to turn sharply to avoid a floating tree branchthe elephant dropped the hat and it fell to the river bottom The crocodile noticed the accidentso down he divedand brought it up in his huge mouthThey then returnedand the crocodile laid the metal hat at the lion's feetThe King took it upand turning to the elephantsaid"Youbecause of your size and trunkwere able to reach the hat on the wall buthaving lost ityou were unable to get it backAnd yousaid the lion to the crocodile"although unable to reach the hatwere able to dive for it and save itYou are both wise and able in your own waysOne is no better than the other"


1The underlined word"disputing"in Paragraph I means





2What did the crocodile think was best about himself

AHis big mouth

BHis strong skin

CHis swimming skill

DHis dangerous teeth

3How did the lion deal with the animals disagreement

AHe ordered them to fight

BHe made a quick decision

CHe suggested a competition

DHe asked them to describe themselves

4What caused the elephant to drop the hat

AThe hat got wet in the river

BHe hit a floating tree

CHe was trying to swim too fast

DHe wanted to fight the crocodile

5How were the elephant and the crocodile able to complete their task

ABy working together

Bplanning carefully

CBy sharing their ideas

DBy listening to the lion

4.(10分)They say that"travel is the best teacher"and there is no better example of this idea than the Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer Xu Xiake15871641).His book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiakenot only encouraged a love of travelling among Chinese people but provided important scientific information about the country's land and geography

Born into a wealthy Jiangyin familyXu became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted to travelWhen he was 18howeverXu's father died and soit seemeddid his travelling dreamsHe now was responsible for the family farm and taking care of his 60yearold mother as tradition required

But his mother had different ideasUnderstanding her son's love of travel and valuing the knowledge he could get from such experiencesthis modernthinking woman refused to keep her son at homeShe agreed that Xu could travel for three months every yearwhenthere was less farm work

So at the age of twenty and with his mother's supportXu set off for the first timeleaving behind not only his mother but his new wife as wellHe would repeat this goodbye each year for most of the next 30 yearsDuring this timehe travelled throughout the Ming kingdomcarefully studying the lands he passed through and recording his experiences and many discoveries in a diary This diarywhich once had over 500000 wordswould eventually become The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake

Although richXu avoided comfortable travelpreferring to go almost everywhere on footThis way he could research the environment in detail and get a true picture of the natural worldMany of his trips were to hardtoreach mountain areasand through wild forests where few people livedHis willingness to face hardships came at a cost howeverProgress was slow and tiring and he was frequently sickrobbed and beaten during his journeys

Sadly Xu became seriously ill during his last and longest journeya 4year trip through the Southwest of ChinaHe died in 1641soon after returning to his hometown for the last timeWhen his diary was finally printed years after his deathmuch of it had been destroyed or lostAlthough incompleteit still made Xu a travelling legend around the world


1What is the passage mainly about

AThe general details of Xu Xiake's life story

BThe difficulties Xu Xiake faced in his travels

CThe important discoveries made by Xu Xiake

DThe influence of Xu's book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake

2Which of the following best describes Xu's mother

AStrict but interesting

BKind but uneducated

CHelpful and hardworking

DSupportive and openminded

3Why did Xu prefer walking during his travels

AIt gave him the chance to meet different kinds of people

BIt helped him to save money and travel for a longer time

CIt allowed him to see and study the environment in detail

DIt was the only way to reach the places he was interested in

4What is true about Xu's book The Travel Notes of Xu xiake

AIt was only made public after Xu died

BIt made Xu very famous during his lifetime

CIt was the first travel book ever written in China

DIt was mainly about the different people of China

5What is the correct order for the following events from Xu's lite

aHe went on his first journey

bHis book was finally printed

CHe returned to his hometown for the last time

dHe developed an interest in books about other places

eHe started managing the family farm after his father died









NEWS News School Life Your View Sport

Should Museum Entry Be Free

With International Museum Day coming uptoday we are asking readersShould museums be free or should people have to pay for a ticketLet us know your view




Museums are not only there for enjoymentthey are educationThis is why they must befreeWhile museums need a huge amount of money to operatelet the wealthy pay for itThe idea of a person or child interested in art not being able to view it because of cost is wrong

Krista ChenUS)﹣Age 15


Free entry does not attract people or encourage them to appreciate artGenerally people respect things that are difficult or costly to get Museums should require regular visitors to pay a feebut provide free tickets as prizes for highachieving students who can appreciate them more

Fred SmithNew Zealand)﹣Age 14


Museums teach people about their pastThis is part of our shared culture that should be available to everyonerich or poor People should never be asked to pay an entrance fee

Rob SanchezAustralia)﹣Age 17


There are no simple answersLow ticket prices could help museums stay openBut companies and businessmen should also provide museums with more money and other supportThey have a social responsibility too

Amber WhiteUK)﹣Age 16


I think museums and art galleries should all be free to the publicI dohoweverthink twice a year the museums should organize moneyraising events to help pay for the cost of staying open

Li MishaoChina)﹣Age 15

1How many readers support the idea of free museums





2Who suggests museums should regularly hold special events to collect money

AKrista Chen

BFred Smith

CRob Sanchez

DLi Mishao

3Why does Fred Smith believe that free tickets should be given to highachieving students

AStudents will then study harder

BMuseums will attract more visitors

CMuseums can make themselves more famous

DThese students can better appreciate museums

4Which of the following does Amber White agree with

ABusinesses should offer museums more help

BPeople should only pay what they can afford

CFree entry doesn't encourage visitors to museums

DEverybody should have a chance to visit museums

5What can we know about the website

AIt's quite a new website

BIt was started in Australia

CIt's generally for young readers

DIt mainly discusses scientific topics

6.(10分)While the start of a new school year is always excitingthis year was even more so for some students at White Cloud Primary SchoolThey became the world's first kids to be taught by an electronic teacherThis electronic teacher is not a humanlike robot walking around the classroom Insteadhe is a computercreated head that appearswhen neededon students computer or phone screensHis name is Bill

Created by technology company Smart MachinesBill is able to show humanlike behaviorHe is designed to teach a special program about environmentalfriendly power created by the sun and windThis programstarted in 2005used to be taught by human teachers

Just like human teachersBill is able to immediately respond to the students' questions and opinions about the topicThanks to computer camerashe is also able to see and react to students physical actionsFor exampleif a student smiles at Billhe responds by smiling backThis twoway exchange helps get the students' attentionMore importantlyit allows the program developers to improve Bills behavior and knowledge base when needed

The program has been a great successaccording to Smart Machines spokesman Robert Frost Frost says"What is interesting to me is the children's reaction to BillHe really captures their attention"Frost thinks kids don't find the experience of being taught by smart machines as strange as older people becausetheyhave grown up in a time of computers and smart phones

It is doubtfulhoweverthat human educators will lose their jobs to Bill any time soonFor onehis talking head's knowledge base is not largeMore importantlyeven the smartest computer programs can't guess and react to all the unexpected situations that educators face dailyBills future might be as a"personal tutor"providing kids with oneonone help for different subjects and topics


1What is Bill

AA humanlike robot

BA kind of computer game

CA computer recording tool

DA computercreated talking head

2How does the twoway exchange help the program developers

AIt lets them correct students'mistakes

BIt allows Bill to respond more quickly

CIt helps them know how to improve Bill

DIt helps them study students' body language

3The underlined word "they"in Paragraph 4 refers to


Bolder people

Csmart machines

Dprogram developers

4What is Bill NOT good at doing

AAttracting students' attention

BUnderstanding body language

CResponding to students' questions

DDealing with unexpected situations

5How might Bill be used in the future according to the last paragraph

ATo work as human classroom teachers

BTo encourage students' interest in computers

CTo give students personal help with different subjects

DTo watch over the behavior of the students in the classroom



Smoke alarms(报警器)

House fires cause many deaths each year and a large number of these fires are unfortunately set by children1Kids must understand that they'd better not play with fireYou should keep matches and lighters out of their reach

2The main job of such an alarm is to protect you while you're asleepYou should have a smoke alarm outside each bedroom and on each floor of your homeYou ought to have two plans for getting out of your house if there is a fire and practise these plans in the dark with your family

A smoke alarm warns you of the danger3Take action immediatelyWhen you come to a closed doorcheck it with the back of your handIf it feels hotthere may be smoke or fire behind the doorso take careOnce you are out of your housecall the fire department from a neighbor's houseIf a family member or a pet is caught insideyou shouldn't go back inFiremen know how to perform rescues safely

4Change the batteries at least once a yearYou should use the test button each month to see if the alarm and batteries are still workingA smoke alarm lasts about ten yearsYou ought to change it even if it seems to be working

About two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no working smoke alarms5


AMost of these deaths can be avoided

BBut when you hear ityou don't have much time

CA smoke alarm is only good if it's working properly

DSoit's important to teach them that fire is a toolnot a toy

EA smoke alarm greatly reduces your chances of being hurt in a fire


8.(1分)﹣How odo you go to the library

At least once a week

9.(1分)David studies hardI am sure he can pass the English e

10.(1分)When she first went to universityshe felt very Ibecause she knew no one there

11.(1分)We can Ia lot about pandas from different books and TV programs

12.(1分)He likes all kinds of jokes because he has a great sense of h

13.(1分)The boy fell behindso he had to run to cup with his father



He is thinking aboutjoin the football club


We haven't decidedour grandparents


Lightswhen we leave the classroom


the head teacher's talk was!


Mike started cookinghe got home from school


Children alwaysthe Spring Festival


We shouldtalk in the library


21.(15分)广州某电台英文频道将开设Welcome to Guangzhou栏目,目前面向全市中学生征集"微广州"英文介绍.请你写一篇英语短文,向栏目投稿.短文需包括下图所有提示内容.



Anyone coming to Guangzhou is sure to have a good time____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Guangzhou is waiting for you


