


Study Hard

例句: "You have to study hard if you want to get into a good college," said the teacher in the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness."

用法介绍: "Study hard" 是一个非常直接的表达,意味着投入大量的时间和精力去学习。通常用来鼓励学生或其他人为了达到学术或职业上的目标而努力。

Put in the Work

例句: "I've put in the work, and I know I can do this," the main character declares in "Good Will Hunting."

用法介绍: "Put in the work" 强调了努力工作的过程,不仅仅是学习,还可以用于任何需要付出努力的场合。



例句: "I've been cramming for the test all night," a student might say in a teen movie.

用法介绍: "Cram" 通常指的是在考试前临时抱佛脚,集中在短时间内学习大量信息。这个词带有一定的负面含义,因为它暗示了学习不是持续的过程。

Hit the Books

例句: "I've got to hit the books if I want to pass this exam," a character might say in a comedy.

用法介绍: "Hit the books" 是一个比较口语化的表达,意味着开始认真地学习,通常用于鼓励自己或他人投入到学习中。

Buckle Down

例句: "You need to buckle down and focus on your studies," a mentor advises in "Dead Poets Society."

用法介绍: "Buckle down" 意味着集中注意力,全力以赴。它可以用来描述任何需要专注和努力的任务。

Knock Yourself Out

例句: "Knock yourself out studying, but don't forget to take breaks," a caring friend says in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

用法介绍: 虽然 "Knock yourself out" 字面意思是“累垮自己”,但在这里它是一种鼓励别人全力以赴的说法,同时也提醒他们注意休息。


例句: "I've been grinding all semester to get good grades," a student might say in a drama.

用法介绍: "Grind" 在这里指的是持续不断的努力,通常用于描述长期的、辛苦的学习过程。

Burn the Midnight Oil

例句: "I've been burning the midnight oil to finish this project," a character says in a thriller.

用法介绍: "Burn the midnight oil" 是一个形象的表达,意味着工作或学习到深夜,强调了牺牲休息时间来完成任务的决心。


