







追求一流崇尚卓越   铸就引领示范品牌


The Affiliated High School of South China

Normal University (SCNU), abbreviated as Huafu in Chinese, is among the first

schools designated as a “State-Level Model High School”, the only one of its

kind that is co-managed by the Ministry of Education of Guangdong Province and

South China Normal University. With Guangdong Olympiad School (supervised by

Guangdong Education Department) as a constituent part, Huafu is also honored

with the title of “Head of the Red Army School in South China”.



Huafu has inherited a rich historical

heritage stretching back to 1888, when its predecessor, Guangzhou Gezhi

Academy, was founded, with a history of 130 years.  The year 1952 saw the founding of the new

Affiliated High School of South China Normal University by  amalgamating four schools, The Affiliated

High School of Lingnan University, The Affiliated High School of Sun Yat-sen

University, The Affiliated High School of Kwangtung College of Arts and

Sciences, and The Affiliated High School of South China Union University. The

motto of the school is “Advancing in virtue and refining the deeds;

investigating things and extending knowledge”, and the mission is “to turn out

high quality graduates through a holistic modern educational system” and “to

turn out hard-working learners for the national rejuvenation in the new era”.

After generations of hard work as a leading institute in secondary education

reform, Huafu has its shared value in place, which is “dare to pioneer, aim for

excellence and strive for the best”. In the 1950s, the school was regarded as

“a beacon of excellence in Lingnan secondary education” for advocating “the

Inductive teaching approach”.  In the

early 1980s, the school took the initiative to organize extra-curriculum

activities and graded teaching, and became a benchmarking school in secondary

education in Guangdong, even throughout China. Ever since the beginning of this

century, the diversification characterization of training models with

distinguishing features have sustained its stand in the forefront of Chinese

education reform.


Huafu has nurtured and produced a great

number of talented people renowned in and out of China, among whom are Chen

Shaibai, the democratic revolutionist;

Lin yimin, a democratic revolution martyr; Xian Xinghai, the people’s

musician; Gao Jianfu, the founder of the Lingnan School of Chinese art; Liao

Chengzhi, a proletarian revolutionist; Tan Tiandu, a revolutionary pioneer;

Zeng Sheng, commander of the “Dong Jiang troop”; Huang Yaoxiang, agronomist and

academician of CAS; Deng Ximing, physicist and academician of the Chinese

Academy of Sciences (CAS); Cai Ruixian, physicist and academician of CAS; Fan

Haifu, chemist and and academician of CAS; Ceng Kefa, phycist and academician

of CAS; Jiang Boju, mathematician and academician of

CAS; Zhong Nanshan, medical scientist and and academician of CAS; and master

sportspersons such as Chen Jingkai and Feng Shanshan.


Because of its outstanding achievements,

the school has been inspected by party and state leaders in different times,

including Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing, Wen Jiabao. In 2017, General Secretary Xi

Jinping wrote an inscription for the Red Army School, which reads “Holding up

the sun of tomorrow”.


The school boasts an impressive number of

faculty members with high qualifications. There are currently 278 faculty members,

including 209 full-time teachers, 40.4% with a master’s degree and 3 with a

doctoral degree. There are 110 senior teachers, 5 top-ranked “master teachers”

and 3 with Senior Professional title. 13 teachers have acquired the title of

“National Model Teacher,” “Outstanding Teacher” or “National Educator”, and one

has the title of “National Master Artist”.

35 teachers are named “Nanyue Distinguished Teacher,” “Nanyue

Outstanding teacher,” or have received the “National Labor Medal.”  4 have acquired the title of “Outstanding

Teacher” in Guangzhou, and 12 have got the training opportunity to participate

in the “Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand” Project in the Guangdong General

Education System. 10 teachers have set up their “Guangdong Master Teacher’s Workshops”,

and one has her “Guangdong Head Teacher’s Workshop”.


Teaching research is bringing in fruitful

achievements, with two National Innovation Excellence Awards, four First Prizes

and four Second Prizes in the Guangdong General Education Teaching Research

Achievement, six Province Educational Research Achievement Awards (Huanghua

Award), nine Guangdong Middle and Primary School Innovation Awards.


The school today is a diverse,

collectivized education group, comprised of the Main Campus at No. 1, Zhongshan

West Road in Tianhe District, Guangzhou,

and four branch schools, including Panyu School in Panyu District, Guangzhou;

Linnan New World School in Baiyun District, Guangzhou; Nanhai Experimental High

school in Nanhai District, Foshan City; and Shanwei School on Tonghang Road,

Shanwei City.


In the university entrance exam, Huafu has

topped the winners-list by producing the most top-scorers among Guangdong

schools ever since the reform and opening-up, being the only school in

Guangdong with more than 90% of its graduates scoring higher above the minimum

requirements of key universities for 18 consecutive years from 2001 to 2018.

Every year more than thirty graduates get admitted into Tsinghua University or

Peking University and more than 60% of its graduates go to universities

sponsored by Project 985.

学科奥赛全国领先。1994年以来,学校获得“数学、物理、化学、生物学、信息学” 国际中学生奥林匹克竞赛金牌14枚(位列全国第6名)、银牌1枚、铜牌1枚,获得国际天文和天体物理奥赛、国际地理奥赛、亚洲物理奥赛、俄罗斯数学奥数等学科竞赛金牌17枚、银牌15枚、铜牌2枚。

Huafu is a leading player in the

International Olympiad competitions, with 14 gold medals, one silver and one

bronze for mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information technology

since 1994 (ranking the sixth in all the schools across the country). In

addition, the school is also holder of 17 gold medals, 15 silver medals and 2

bronze medals for astronomy and astrophysics in International Olympiad,

geography in International Olympiad, physics in Asian Olympiad and mathematics

in the National Olympiad in Russia.

科技创新闻名于世。近5年来,学校获得“巴黎世界博览会” 金奖3人次,二等奖2人次,三等奖2人次;“国际英特尔大赛”一等奖1人次;“全国青少年科技创新大赛” 一等奖5人次,二等奖1人次,三等奖2人次;“明天小小科学家”一等奖3人次,二等奖3人次,三等奖2人次;获“丘成桐中学科学奖全球总决赛”一等奖1人次,二等奖2人次,三等奖6人次。学校是 “首批全国科技创新十佳学校”。

Huafu has made remarkable advancements in

science and technology innovation competitions, and is granted the honorable

title of “Top Ten School in National Science and Technology Innovation”. In the

past five years, the school has won three gold medals, two second prizes and

three third prizes for the Paris World Exposition, and the first prize for the

Intel Talent Award. Moreover, the school is five times first prize winner, one

time second prize winner and two times third prize winner in The China

Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest. In The Little

Scientist in the Future competition, the school has three first prize winners,

three second prize winners and two third prize winners. In The Dongrun-Yau

Science Award, the school has one first prize winner, two second prize winners

and six third prize winners.


Huafu is the “National School of Track and

Field as Traditional Sport”, “Guangdong School of Track and Field, Swimming and

Football as Traditional Sports”. Education in sports and arts is well

represented on the sports fields and in various competitions. Huafu Swimming

Team has four times taken part in World Schools Swimming Championships

representing China and has achieved six third places in different competitions,

and has won 23 golds, 27 silvers and 21 bronzes in the National High School

Swimming Championships. In the National High School Track and Field

Championships, 6 golds, 6 silvers and 7 bronzes have been collected. The school

football team won the third place in the 2017 National Sports Meet and the

first place for the High School Group in the 2017 Guangdong Football

“Governor’s Cup”. The school aerobics team won three grand prizes in national

competitions. The choir won the first prize in the 2017 Guangzhou Chorus



The curriculum and rich culture of the

school provides nourishments for the growth of the students. Social immersion

programs in the countryside encourage students to serve the country, and the

volunteer activities make good platforms for service learning projects. The

approximate one hundred school-based courses in science, arts, sports, social

activities, career development, and international education, help explore the

academic interests and maximize the potential of individual student.  A great range of festivals, including

festivals of sports, arts, communities, science, technology & culture,

English language and psychology, provide excellent opportunities for a show of

the students’ talents and interests.


Outstanding achievements in international

education are well recognized. Huafu International Department (HFI) offers the

International Foundation Year (IFY) program, accredited by the Northern

Consortium (NCUK), allowing matriculation to British and Australian

universities, and an Advanced Placement program, allowing students to

matriculate to tertiary education in the United States. 90% students in AP

program are admitted to the TOP 50 universities in the US, 57% to the TOP 30

universities and colleges in the United States, Canada or Hong Kong, China, 20%

to the TOP 20 universities and colleges in the United States.




广州:五年新增22所示范高中 走好基础教育最后一步

广州:五年新增22所示范高中 走好基础教育最后一步







