


联系电话:020-86388935 86385310


学校地址:嘉禾校区: 广州市白云区嘉禾上胜东街23号 广园校区: 广州市广园中路松柏东街49号



学校有嘉禾和广园两个校区,占地面积49000平方米,建筑面积70000平方米。建有综合实训中心,设有 6个校内实训基地,实习实训设备总值9500万元,可同时容纳2500名学生实训。






Founded in 1964, Guangzhou Traffic and Transportation Vocational School is an outstanding secondary vocational school, which successfully integrated academic education with vocational training. It is also one of the first National Secondary Vocational Exemplary Schools in Education Reform.

The school has two campuses (Jiahe Campus and Guangyuan Campus). It occupies 49,000 square meters, and the floorage is 70,000 square meters. Our school also has an integrated training center building, including 6 different training bases that can accommodate up to 2,500 students at the same time. The equipment we own for practical teaching and training is worth more than 95 million RMB.

Catering to the needs of the transportation industry in the Pearl River Delta, the school focuses on cultivating students specializing in transportation. We provide 14 majors in 5 specialized divisions for students, including Auto Manufacture, Auto Application and Maintenance, Transportation and Logistics Management, Urban Rail Transportation, and Urban Gas Engineering. Among these majors, there is 1 national exemplary major and 4 provincial key majors. Our school currently has 5,300 students. The annual employment rate of our graduates has been kept at over 98%; and 70% of them can get positions from high-end corporations. The school has become an important base for cultivating students specializing in transportation in the Pearl River Delta.

The school cooperates with industry associations to provide personnel training projects for our industry partners and appraisal programs, such as auto maintenance and professional drivers for nearly 20,000 people per year. Thus accordingly, it is also a significant base for training enterprise employees in transportation industry around the Pearl River Delta.

Endeavoring to promote the integration of enterprises with vocational schools and cooperative education, the school successively and intensively works with nearly 40 corporations for cultivating skilled talents, such as Toyota, SAIC-GM, Dongfeng Citro?n, Mercedes-Benz, FAW-Volkswagen, FAW-Audi, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Towngas, Guangri Elevator Industry Co. and so on. Meanwhile we keep a close relationship with more than 250 enterprises, setting up stable internship bases for students from all majors. Also, our school has developed international cooperation with several colleges and institutions from U.K. and Germany. Furthermore, we collaborate with 3 vocational colleges, intending to establish a linkage of curriculum between secondary vocational schools and higher vocational colleges for educating skilled talents.

In the past 10 years, the school has been promoting the reform of teaching methods. We pioneered a curricular system that integrates learning with working and have adopted a training mode that streams students according to their needs for employment and further education. These two teaching achievements won respectively the first and the second prizes of the 2014 and the 2018 National Outstanding Achievements in Education.

In recent years, we have successively gained honorable titles of the National Excellent Educational Organization, the National Excellent Vocational Organization in Moral Education, Guangzhou Municipal Excellent Organization, Guangdong Provincial Excellent Organization, and Guangdong Provincial Exemplary Schools in Law-based Governance.






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