


联系电话:021-58921462(北校区) 021-58983662(南校区)


学校地址:上海市浦东新区川环南路266号(北校区) 浦东新区川沙路5715弄航校路(南校区)


上海市航空服务学校位于浦东新区国际旅游度假区,毗邻中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone)、浦东国际机场、大飞机项目总装基地,是上海市文明单位、国家级重点中职校、上海市中等职业教育改革发展特色示范校、上海市中小学行为规范示范校、上海市职业指导与就业服务工作先进集体。

学校现有三个校区,近3000名学生,168名教职员工。学校坚持“依托航企、服务社会”的办学策略,紧紧抓住民航业发展和上海航空枢纽港建设的契机,形成了航空服务(空中乘务、空港服务、民航安检方向、航空会展)、民航运输(货运)、航空机电技术应用等三大专业群,其中航空服务与航空机电技术应用专业被列为上海市精品特色专业。在政府和航空企业的大力支持下,学校建有全国首家“上海市航空服务开放实训中心”和中国商飞高技能人才培养实训基地, 独立承担了上海市“国际水平的职业教育航空服务专业教学标准”的开发,是一所专注孕育航空产业人才的专业学校,学校专业的课程、专业的师资、专业的设施、专业的教材、专业的合作,坚持工学结合的培养模式,既能保证专业教学的需要,同时又能满足社会培训和航空企业员工培训的需求。学生综合素质好、业务能力强,深受用人单位的欢迎。


Shanghai aviation service school, located in Pudong International Tourist Resort, near China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Pudong International Airport and the assembly base of China’s Large Aircraft Project, has been awarded many honorable titles, such as Shanghai Model Unit, the national key vocational school, Shanghai characteristic demonstration school with the reform and development in vocational education, the model school of code of conduct and the advanced group of Shanghai career guidance and employment service.

Our school is composed of three campuses, nearly 3,000 students and 168 faculty members. Strongly adhering to our philosophy, relying on aviation enterprises and servicing to society, and tightly holding the chance created by the development of civil aviation industry and construction of Shanghai aviation hub port, we have formed three majors such as aviation service(cabin service, airport service, security check, exhibition service), aviation transportation and aviation electromechanical technology application, among which aviation service and aviation electromechanical technology application have been listed as the competitive majors with distinguishing features. With the strong support of the government and aviation enterprises, our school has been equipped with the Shanghai Aviation Service Open Training Center which is the first one in our country and the practical training base of the technical personnel for Commercial Aircraft. Thus, we have independently undertaken the development of the curriculum criterion on aviation service with international standard. With professional courses, teaching team, facilities, teaching material and cooperation, our school is the one specializing in cultivating talents for aviation industry and having a strong belief in the mode of work-study combination. As a result, we can meet the needs for both the teaching in school and the training of society and aviation enterprises. Consequently, our students are popular with the employers for their high all-round qualities and strong professional abilities.

At present, our school has become an important base for the training of the technical personnel of Shanghai aviation service. It has formed unique advantages regarding to the major of aviation service in the following aspects: training center construction, the development of professional teaching standard, teaching material construction, the innovation of high-quality talent training mode, the construction of teaching team and so on.





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